The following links will connect you to other wedding professionals who will help make your perfect day possible!

Also scroll down to see non-wedding related links to cool sites.

The BWG has many great wedding vendors help you fill out your needs.

Click on the logo above to visit that site.

A great DJ in the area is

5 Star Events

A great person to contact to learn what Emily Post didn't include in her etiquette books is

Jodi R.R. Smith at Mannersmith Consulting

If you think this drawing looks energetic, wait 'til you meet Ginger Burr.

She's an image consultant with 20 years' experience who helps women look good from the inside out.

Visit her site:

Total Image Consultants

Assorted other links follow below.

My dad makes necklaces.

They may be purchaces locally at Joanne Rossman, purveyor of the unnecessary and the irresistible.

I have some artwork which you can see on occasion. In Boston at Gallery NAGA.