By Pier Gustafson

The life of a young man about to start his college life was presented this map for a graduation present by his parents. It showed his accomplishments of his first 18 years. Hobbies as well as scholarly persuits are seen amongst the mountain ranges. Te river represents time, of course, flowing toward the bright future. His sister received a similar map upon her graduation. You see that at the bottom of this page.

This was another "time-map" presented to an old roommate of mine by his wife as a 20th anniversary gift.

Real geography was replaced by a symbolic one. Eric's life on the left bank, Randee, the right.

Their births are shown as lakes, the source for the two rivers which flow south towards the future past places they lived, schools attended, jobs toiled at and hobbies they enjoyed.

Even I was included as a point on this map (at the request of the gift-giver).

While both in Florida they met at her workplace, where, in typical Eric-fashion, he somehow, insulted her. That insult represented by a large volcanic mountain.

It tool him three more visits to screw up the courage to ask her on a date.

Then their two rivers flowed parallel to eachother with their courtship recorded as placenames on the shared peninsula.

His proposal, under a lighthouse, was followed soon after by the wedding represented by a connecting bridge spanning the now newly formed "Ketzel River"

The river records honeymooning in Italy, the birth of the two children (represented by their own lakes, rivers and finally smaller ships) along with other trips they enjoyed share geography with other jobs, hobbies and locations lived.

The title legend is in a banner at the bottom which terminates in their first name initials and below that you see Italy again, where they spent their 20th anniversary.

Unknown lands and uncharted territories await their flotilla.

This man's educaional career first as a student, then as a professor is displayed here.
Many atlasses are open to the places this man lived. Given by his wife-to-be as a wedding present, it also shows their first meeting and wedding as book covers intermixed about the composition.

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